IPython Notebook is a great tool to analyze data. It does everything that you can do in python through a website interface including inline plots. It makes it very simple to keep a close connection between the commands you are running for an analysis and the documentation of those steps. Instead of copying and pasting all the commands to a separate document and explaining them there, you can just run them straight from the notebook and describe the steps in the same document. Rerunning a step is a simple Shift+Enter. This post assumes that you already know how to run ipython notebook. If not, head to their website and get addicted. Since I perform most of my analysis on an UPPMAX cluster it is useful for me to be able to use the notebook there. Couple of issues:

  • HTTP connections are not allowed to the cluster.
  • Running Firefox over ssh -X is very slow.
  • Mounting with the drive remotely with sshfs works but will still transfer all the files.

The way you can get around these issues is by using SSH port forwarding. In this case only the notebook itself is transferred over the internet and not the data that you are analyzing. The first thing you should do before you start forwarding your notebook is to protect it with a password. When you have your notebook connected to a port, other people with access to the cluster can also connect to that port and run anything through the browser on the ipython kernel that’s running on your username. They could basically submit jobs and what not in your name so BE CAREFUL! Just follow these steps to password protect your notebook. I skipped generating the SSL certificate since we inted to send everything over SSH anyway. I simply created the profile:

[local] $ ssh username@milou2.uppmax.uu.se
[milou2] $ ipython profile create nbserver

Generated a hashed password with ipython:

import IPython.lib

And changed the profile ~/.ipython/profile_nbserver/ipython_notebook_config.py like:

# Configuration file for ipython-nbconvert.
c = get_config()

# Notebook config
#c.NotebookApp.certfile = u''
c.NotebookApp.ip = 'localhost'
c.NotebookApp.open_browser = False
# add the hashed password you got from ipython below
c.NotebookApp.password = u'sha1:bcd259ccf...[your hashed password here]'
# It is a good idea to put it on a known, fixed port
c.NotebookApp.port = 9990

Run the notebook on milou with:

[milou2] $ ipython notebook --profile=nbserver

Then run the following command on your local computer that forwards a local port (could be any port) to the remote port on milou2. I picked a common port for HTTP (8080), since Firefox didn’t want to connect to port 9990 for security reasons.

[local] $ ssh -N -f -L localhost:8080:localhost:9990 inod@milou2.uppmax.uu.se

Now you should be able to open the notebook in your browser on http://localhost:8080. Make sure it asks you for the password you provided. Enjoy!

UPDATE 2015-01-28

Uppmax only allows connections within Sweden. When you are not in Sweden you might therefore want to forward the port through an intermediate Swedish server. One can accomplish this by replacing the last command with:

[local] $ ssh -t -L localhost:8080:localhost:9990 username@otherserver.se \
          ssh -N -L localhost:9990:localhost:9990 inod@milou2.uppmax.uu.se

It basically runs the same port forwarding command on otherserver.se. You need to add the -t parameter if you have a password protected ssh key on otherserver.se. That way you can type in the password. You therefore also don’t return to the prompt on success. This command only works if for both milou2 and otherserver port 9990 is not in use by another program.


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